A+ Virtual Learning Is Here To Help With Fully Remote School Options!

We offer state-of-the-art learning that caters to each student’s needs. We are a team of licensed professional educators and educational technologist that work to deliver instruction to students, schools, and school districts. At A+ Virtual Learning, we can provide remote support for children of all ages.

Interactive virtual classroom session with students and a teacher

A+ LearnerPal

Instructional Support Platform
Schools can use LearnerPal to assign online activities to students; proven to improve student knowledge and passing rates in math, science, ELA and social studies.

Standards Aligned Content
Comes stock with Common Core/NGS/Standards aligned, digital, interactive content. Teachers can add their own content using LearnerPal tools! Create and share online activities and courses with other teachers, throughout departments or schoolwide!

Enhance Classroom Instruction
Schools can have teachers use LearnerPal stock content or create their own to enhance classroom instruction. Detailed reports provide teachers with assessment data to identify areas of strength and weakness.

Try it out
Interactive virtual classroom session with students and a teacher

Diagnostic Assessment and Progress Monitoring

A+ Virtual will administer an adaptive diagnostic that pinpoints students’ grade-level proficiency in key Math and English language arts strands in just 45 minutes per subject, 3-6 times a year. The diagnostic results will be shared back with the district. Progress monitoring is based on a personalized action plan for each student. With these recommended skills, districts will have a simple way to close learning gaps and facilitate meaningful progress. This service can be added to any A+ Virtual intervention or support services. If added, A+ Virtual instructors will administer each diagnostic, and conduct progress monitoring and provide student growth reporting to the district. Options: 3 times/2.25 hours a year. 6 times /4.5 hours a year.

Interactive virtual classroom session with students and a teacher

The A+ Virtual All-day School With Synchronous Learning

The A+ Virtual School Day provides live A+ Virtual instructors for a full school day option. Service is Common Core/NGLS/NGSS/Standards-Based Instruction.

Interactive virtual classroom session with students and a teacher

The A+ Virtual Classroom Academic Differentiated Support (AIS)

AIS/Differentiated Support to help students reach grade level proficiency in Literacy and Mathematics, where each student begins with a diagnostic exam. These specialized learning sessions take place within the school day or after school. For grades K-12. We allow two consecutive grade levels in any one differentiated support session maximum.

Interactive virtual classroom session with students and a teacher

Specialized & Stand-Alone Courses

Full year courses for grades 7-12 completed under the tutelage of our instructors, student progress is recorded, along with reporting analytics to identify areas of growth that allows us to provide students with a course grade.

Interactive virtual classroom session with students and a teacher

The A+ Virtual Classroom Instructor Extension

A+ Virtual Instructors can help with your teacher shortage. We can provide instructors to teach a school or district level course(s) based on the number of days identified. Minimum 5 days; maximum full school year. Grades K-12.

Interactive virtual classroom session with students and a teacher

Credit Recovery in the Virtual Classroom

Students can complete unfinished credit hours under the tutelage of our instructors, in one-hour sessions. Student progress is recorded, along with reporting analytics to identify areas of growth that allows us to provide students with a course grade. For grades 7-12. Minimum purchase of 2 credit hours.

Interactive virtual classroom session with students and a teacher

A+ Virtual Anywhere Classroom/OSS: Off-Site Instruction

This service is for students that have short or long-term suspension, medical leave, or other homebound circumstances. A+ Virtual Instructors will provide district wide instructional support in Math, ELA, Science, & Social Studies for grades K-12 based on the number of days and hours identified by the school district. This service can be purchased for a minimum of 2 hours/5 days a week. Service is common Core/NGLS/NGSS/Standards-Based Instruction.

Interactive virtual classroom session with students and a teacher

One-on-One Academic Instructional Support (aka: Tutoring)

A+ Virtual Instructors will give one-on-one Academic Instructional Support to students. Instructors are matched to best meet the student’s academic needs and learning style. This allows us to create an individualized learning plan (ILP) for success by working with your students and focusing on what they are learning in the classroom. Students will get the individualized help they need. Minimum purchase of 10 hours.

Interactive virtual classroom session with students and a teacher

Academic Support for Special Education Students

Specially designed instruction is provided by a member of the A+ Virtual Learning team who is a certified Special Education teacher. Academic support can vary, depending on the student’s need. Recommended resource room and admin hours sold separately.

Interactive virtual classroom session with students and a teacher

Integrated Co-Teaching (ICT) General Education Teacher

High quality content-area instruction is provided by a member of the A+ Virtual Learning team who is a certified teacher. This teacher works collaboratively with the district’s Special Education teacher so that students can successfully access the state learning standards and provide appropriate instruction according to the student’s IEP. Admin hours sold separately.

Interactive virtual classroom session with students and a teacher

Special Education Administrative or Instructional Support Services

Administrative Support includes ongoing communication, which encompasses, but is not limited to, a monthly narrative on student progress derived from teacher Care Team Meetings, quarterly IEP progress reports, and a CSE narrative on academic levels, functional performance, and learning characteristics. Instructional support involves ongoing collaboration between A+ Virtual instructors and the A+ Virtual Special Education Coordinator to address and support students' learning needs.

Interactive virtual classroom session with students and a teacher

Small Group Differentiated Support (Group Tutoring)

We provide Instructional Academic Support for grade level scaffolding. Our instructors tutor small groups and provide support where needed. Diagnostic assessments and progress monitoring can be purchased separately and implemented alongside this service. This service can be delivered to a single grade or grade bands. (Note: A grade band is defined as two consecutive grades, i.e., grades 5-6; grades 7-8)


It’s Official!

A+ Virtual Learning is an Approved Sponsor of Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) pursuant to Section 80-6 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education.

A+ Virtual Learning School


  • Cost effective virtual option for school districts
  • Reduces costs of hiring in-person support staff
  • Reduce costs associated with learning recovery and grade retention
  • Increase capacity and availability of on site learning spaces
  • Reduce potential costs associated with student absenteeism, OSS (off-site schooling), or school shutdowns
Professional virtual educators - A plus Virtual learning


  • A robust, state-of-the-art virtual learning platform designed for teaching and learning
  • Technical support and teacher support for the virtual classroom
  • Minimal requirements: Internet access and a device (Laptop, Chromebook, iPad, etc...)
  • Recorded sessions can be reviewed to ensure best online teaching practices
  • Shared collaborative workspaces
  • Breakout and specialized testing rooms
  • Administrators can receive detailed reports
  • and view recorded online sessions
A+ Virtual Learning School

State Standards

  • Certified instructors for synchronous learning
  • Use standards or district curriculum so student learning aligns to their peers
  • Rolling admission
  • Secure student data collection and reporting to the schools/district
  • Synchronous and asynchronous instructional blended learning models
  • Work collaboratively with teachers in the student’s home school to ensure student success
  • Remote learning option to students and parents uncomfortable returning to in person or hybrid learning
  • Direct oversight of services by Certified School Administrator as Education Director
  • Post session reports provide both feedback to teachers and information for administrators looking to guide online instruction. These reports include but are not limited to data related to the use of chat rooms, breakout rooms, and polling activities to assist in formative assessment.